How to Calm Your Nerves and Trust the Universe's Plan For You
Embracing Divine Timing and Finding Inner Peace Amidst Uncertain Outcomes
You know those times where your stomach feels like it's in knots because you don't know how a situation will unfold? It's that churning in your guts that hits you with pangs of constant anxiety, sleepless nights and a bad case of the jitters.
Well, that's how I feel sometimes when I don't know whether or not an outcome will be favorable.
I don't think I'm unique with my experience of this feeling. In fact I know so many people that go through exactly the same thing on a daily basis.
However, what I have found is that there are phrases and things you can do to calm your nerves and trust in the timing of your desired outcome or manifestation.
These are the reframes that I use to calm my nerves and trust in the Divine plan:
1. See the bigger picture
There's always a Divine plan in place. Sometimes we don't see the bigger picture at play and how every unfolding is perfectly aligned with what is ultimately meant to manifest.
2. Remember to breathe
Breath is life. Full those beautiful lungs of yourself with oxygen. It contains valuable life-force to help regulate your nervous system. Take 10 deep breaths and witness how you feel.
3. Don't make it worse than it is
As humans, we can be really good at catastrophizing and blowing things out of proportion. Issues can have a tendency to be magnified when they are allowed to wander around in our minds without resolution. We're wired to solve problems and scramble for certainty. Always remember to not make things worse than they are and trust that the Universe has a plan.
4. Distract yourself
Sometimes when we are fixated and obsessed with a certain situation the best thing to do is distract yourself. Watch a good show on TV, get a subscription to Gaia or UnifydTV or read a book. Dive into the world of education, inspiration or entertainment. You can always subscribe to the MANIFEST podcast.
5. Trust the Universe
When we remember that we are unconditionally loved by God/The Universe/Source Energy then we can place our trust that every micro-second we are offering our vibrations (our energy)to the field of infinite potential that the Universe is reflecting back the highest intentions for the ultimate expansion of our souls. Trust is powerful medicine for our spirits.
Embrace uncertainty, trust in the Universe's plan, and find inner peace amidst life's twists and turns. Through faith and surrender, you'll discover the strength to navigate uncertainty with grace and resilience.
With Love & Gratitude,
Sarah Prout.
This was right on time ❤️